Motivation in a Slump - Tony Robbins made a guest apperance on NBC's "TODAY' show, America's #1 morning TV show. In this interview with Matt Lauer, Tony discussed what it takes to thrive, not just survive in today's economic down times.
Welcome to my Mode of Motivation. I'm here to give you a dose of well needed "Motivation" in life. Life is full of negative propaganda that can bring you down and keep you in a state of feeling like things are impossible. My Mode of Motivation is intended to help encourage, empower others for honest journeys of their own. Please enjoy T.C.Coleman collection of inspirational videos, photos, quotes and my empowering writing to help others overcome barriers in life.
25 Thoughtful Quotes From Carl Jung

1. Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol, morphine or idealism.
2. Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to a better understanding of ourselves.
3. Nobody, as long as he moves about among the chaotic currents of life, is without trouble.
4. The healthy man does not torture others – generally it is the tortured who turn into torturers.
5. The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.
6. The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.
7. As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.
8. There can be no transforming of darkness into light and of apathy into movement without emotions.
9. A man who has not passed through the inferno of his passions has never overcome them.
10. Great talents are the most lovely and often the most dangerous fruits on the tree of humanity. They hang upon the most slender twigs that are easily snapped off.
11. In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.
12. It all depends on how we look at things, and not how they are in themselves.
13. Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.
14. Knowledge rests not upon truth alone, but upon error also.
15. Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain.
16. Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you.
17. Shrinking away from death is something unhealthy and abnormal which robs the second half of life of its purpose.
18. The debt we owe to the play of imagination is incalculable.
19. The least of things with a meaning is worth more in life than the greatest of things without it.
20. The pendulum of the mind alternates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong.
21. The word “happiness” would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.
22. There is no coming to consciousness without pain.
23. We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses.
24. Who has fully realized that history is not contained in thick books but lives in our very blood?
Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.
The Meaning of Thanksgiving
November 24, 2010 by Kevin Ngo for Ted
With Thanksgiving coming up, I thought I’d write about the meaning of Thanksgiving and what this joyous occasion is really about. I won’t be talking about Pilgrims and turkey dinners however, gobble gobble. What I’ll be talking about is the true meaning of Thanksgiving: Gratitude. We all know this of course but hopefully this post will serve as a reminder as well as give you some new insights.

How many people do you know go through life frustrated because they feel like they never seem to be or have what they want? It strikes me as odd to see people who seem to have so much going for them, yet never seem to be happy. How about you? Do you ever find yourself stressed and unfulfilled? What do you think it takes to be happy?
You see, we all have these rules of what has to happen in order for us to be happy. For some people they need a million dollars, for others, as long as they have their health, they’re happy. What are your rules? What has to happen in your mind in order for you to be happy? Many things may be running through your mind right now, but if I could just suggest one thing… And that is, be happy for what you already have.
Think about what you have in your life right now. Think of the friends you have, your spouse, the house you’re living in, the car you’re driving, or maybe the sports trophy from your school days or your college diploma or even the laptop or computer you’re using… do you remember back when one or more of these things were mere goals or desires that you had? How did you feel the moment when you finally obtained it?
1. Visualize not having what you have.
Imagine not having the car you currently drive or the house you live in or the people you have in your life. You may be hating your job but imagine losing it tomorrow. Imagine losing your legs or arms or your eyesight. If you really play along and go full out on this, you will be more appreciative of what you have.
2. Give things away that you wanted in the past, got it, but no longer appreciate.
What if you gave away things you don’t even take notice anymore, the things you’ve taken for granted. Donate your kidney, your hair, your car, your parents, or maybe your siblings. Yes I’m joking but think about how you’d feel if you were actually in the process of giving these away. How does the thought of losing these things or people make you feel?
3. Be thankful every morning.
Those first two tips can be powerful if you really do it full out, but the problem is they might not last too long. A week might go by you can could be back to taking things you have for granted again. So like exercising, to be grateful everyday, you need to do it everyday. Each morning when you wake up, think about all the things you are grateful for. What do you have that you would never want to lose? Don’t just think about it, really feel it. Feel the joy and happiness in your body. Starting your day like this will do wonders for the rest of the day. Do this every day and it’ll do wonders for the rest of your life.
Imagine not having the car you currently drive or the house you live in or the people you have in your life. You may be hating your job but imagine losing it tomorrow. Imagine losing your legs or arms or your eyesight. If you really play along and go full out on this, you will be more appreciative of what you have.
2. Give things away that you wanted in the past, got it, but no longer appreciate.
What if you gave away things you don’t even take notice anymore, the things you’ve taken for granted. Donate your kidney, your hair, your car, your parents, or maybe your siblings. Yes I’m joking but think about how you’d feel if you were actually in the process of giving these away. How does the thought of losing these things or people make you feel?
3. Be thankful every morning.
Those first two tips can be powerful if you really do it full out, but the problem is they might not last too long. A week might go by you can could be back to taking things you have for granted again. So like exercising, to be grateful everyday, you need to do it everyday. Each morning when you wake up, think about all the things you are grateful for. What do you have that you would never want to lose? Don’t just think about it, really feel it. Feel the joy and happiness in your body. Starting your day like this will do wonders for the rest of the day. Do this every day and it’ll do wonders for the rest of your life.
So for this Thanksgiving holiday, remember, the meaning of Thanksgiving is to be thankful for what you have and it’s a day that’s set as a reminder for us to be grateful. Whatever you end up doing or end up spending time with this Thanksgiving, be happy that you have those people in your life. If you don’t have anyone or anything, at least be grateful for your eyesight and ability to read. Again, happiness really comes down to what rules you set for yourself in order to be happy. And it’s always a good place to start with what you already have.
To stay with the meaning of Thanksgiving theme here, I’d like to end this post by taking this opportunity to say Thank You! I’m grateful for the internet and Ted's blog for allowing me to reach people. I’m also thankful for people like you who read these posts, you keep me going. Again...

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Until next time…
Until next time…
Love Life. Do Good. Live Well
Often times we get so caught up in our next dream or goal and we completely forget how much we use to want what we now have but take for granted. We’ve all heard the saying about not knowing how much something means to us until it’s gone, but I say, “If that’s the case, why wait?” Appreciate what you have while you’ve still got it. How? I’m glad you asked.
Eminem - Lose yourself
Lose Yourself - Ted chose this motivational song because : of the beat and the intense nature of the lyrics. This is one of my favorite workout songs. "You only get one shot... this opportunity comes once in a lifetime..." You will regret way more the things you didn't do than the stupid things you've done. When we're under pressure, the intensity and anticipation of doing something despite our fears in order to accomplish our goals is where we want to live. That rush of knowing that you can fail but are willing to take the risk for that taste of victory is like no other feeling. If you play sports, you know what I mean. And if you do, lose yourself in it. (TC)
Self Motivational Means Never Giving Up
How can I motivate myself ? Are you still asking that age old question? To be self motivational you need to adopt a new mindset from the one that has you asking that question “how can I motivate myself?” If you are asking this question of yourself then you are more likely to be the type that will readily quit when things go wrong. If things go wrong do you find yourself saying things like. “I knew it would never work” “Things never work out for me” “No matter how hard I try it never seems to happen for me”. If you find yourself using this type of internal talk realise that you are telling your subconscious that there is a state of permanency here which you can’t get out of. And as you should know by now if you have been reading any of my postings, what you tell your subconscious it sets about to make a reality for you.
If you are a self motivational person then how you motivate yourself is by seeing an underlying cause for what has gone wrong which you can act on and achieve better results. For that is the mindset that you must adopt. That is, when things go wrong you don’t see that as a failure that it is just a result which you didn’t want. See it as feedback which you can use in answering the question “How can I motivate myself?” If you have looked at Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) at all you will realise that this is what they call reframing. You can either put it in a frame and call it failure or you can put it in another frame and call it a different result from what you wanted. As a child when you were learning to walk and you fell over for the nth time, neither you or your parents said “OK that’s it you’ll never do this walking thing might as well give up and just crawl on your hands and knees for the rest of your life!” No you took the feedback about balance and foot placement and quite rapidly really mastered the art. Why then as adults if we fail to lose weight we say “diets don’t work for me” instead as self motivational people say “yes I still ate too much last week and didn’t get out jogging enough for me to attain the result I wanted” Similarly in the current climate some of you may be applying for jobs and getting many rejections. If you are saying “I’ll never get another job” then you probably won’t. If you are saying “how can I try a different field, improve my resume or my interview skills” then you will achieve the result you desire and you will have learned how to motivate yourself in many other areas of your life.
If you are a self motivational person then how you motivate yourself is by seeing an underlying cause for what has gone wrong which you can act on and achieve better results. For that is the mindset that you must adopt. That is, when things go wrong you don’t see that as a failure that it is just a result which you didn’t want. See it as feedback which you can use in answering the question “How can I motivate myself?” If you have looked at Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) at all you will realise that this is what they call reframing. You can either put it in a frame and call it failure or you can put it in another frame and call it a different result from what you wanted. As a child when you were learning to walk and you fell over for the nth time, neither you or your parents said “OK that’s it you’ll never do this walking thing might as well give up and just crawl on your hands and knees for the rest of your life!” No you took the feedback about balance and foot placement and quite rapidly really mastered the art. Why then as adults if we fail to lose weight we say “diets don’t work for me” instead as self motivational people say “yes I still ate too much last week and didn’t get out jogging enough for me to attain the result I wanted” Similarly in the current climate some of you may be applying for jobs and getting many rejections. If you are saying “I’ll never get another job” then you probably won’t. If you are saying “how can I try a different field, improve my resume or my interview skills” then you will achieve the result you desire and you will have learned how to motivate yourself in many other areas of your life.
"...''Remember The Name''..."
Remember the Name - I chose this motivational song mainly for the beat and the chorus. "Ten percent luck, twenty percent skill, fifteen percent concentrated power and will..." Awesome. Many people think that success has to do with mainly talent and luck. That's just not the case at all. Sure, there are those we see on TV who may have been at the right place at the right time. If you look at the majority of successful people however, you will find that they got there out of sheer determination and focus. If you want to achieve your goals, don't go after it half-ass. You need to go after it with everything you got. When you do, you will understand just how much potential you have. Once you reach your goal, your eyes will be set on greater things. Even I am still trying to master my goals on this matter of motivation, if only I could focus and do as I write.. I'd be more
Till I Collapse / Another Ted Favorite
Till I Collapse - Ted chose this motivational song because
it's about going all out, to the point where you collapse.
Too many times we set a dream or goal and fail to achieve them
simply because we didn't give enough effort.
Many will say they tried their hardest,
but the truth is that very few people really give it ALL they got.
Even when you think you can't give anymore,
you still have more to give and it's that extra effort
that will make all the difference in your life.
When you can honestly say, "I gave it everything I had.
I held nothing back" and still failed to achieve your goals,
know that with that same mentality, you can go at it again,
perhaps using a different strategy, and will accomplish your goals
because you have proven you're worthy of it.
At that point, it is just a matter of time.
I get fired up every time I listen to this, hope it inspires you all too. (TC)
Ted's Top 10 Motivation Songs
Right Now - Ted chose this motivational song because :
It talks about taking action today and not putting it off until tomorrow. Yesterday is gone.
Whatever mistakes or failures you had, it's over.
Today is a brand new day. What you do today, right now, will determine how you will live tomorrow.
Even if your life has been way below what you want it to be for the last year or 5 years or 50 years, it doesn't matter.
You could turn it around.
Don't waste another day thinking about what could have been.
Use today to start making your dreams and goals happen.
You can control the future by the choices you make today.
When will you start? Right Now!
I just need to do what I
"Oldie but Goodie...One of Ted's favorite songs"
All about you / This is a strong message, enjoy video.
It's All About You - Ted chose this motivational song because : of its message about how you should choose to live life the way you want to instead of a life defined by what's on TV or how the people around you say you should live. It's about living the way that makes you truly happy. Just make sure you go for the life you really want for the right reasons. Life can be tough at times. How you choose to deal with it is up to you. Just make sure where you end up is where you wanted to end up.Keep the faith and stay true to yourself....(TC)
Mode of Modivation by T.C.Coleman
Mode of Modivation by T.C.Coleman
All I Got - Ted chose this motivational song because : of the beat and message of how we've only got one shot. This song was performed on the boxing show "The Contender" so it's aimed at boxing, but I see it more as we've got one shot at life. The message is one of urgency. There's no time to mess around. This isn't a practice round of life. It's the real deal. Either you go all out and get your prize or sit on the side line and watch life pass you by. This is a great workout song. ( TC )
Mode of Motivation by T.C.Coleman
Inspiring speeches of the 20th century
This is a collection of motivational speeches over the last century. Speeches have the power to help motivate you by stirring certain emotions inside of you. People can be moved to extreme actions through the spoken word. Millions have died because of words that enraged them. On the other spectrum, millions have be inspired to make this world a better place from a speech they heard. Hopefully, these types of videos will help you do good as well.
T.C.Coleman Mode of Motivation Collections
T.C.Coleman Mode of Motivation Collections
Will Smith - Running & Reading (The Key to Life)
Ted's motivation writings : Will Smith is just a Class Act !!!!
Will Smith at Kid's Choice award giving motivational speech about Running and Reading. Success is quite simple. A lot of people out there will tell you that there are "secrets" to success.
There really isn't.
The keys to success are the simple things like knowing what to do and simply doing it. It takes work and determination. The knowing part can be learned. Don't make success any more complicated than it really is. This is an extremely motavational video listen carefully..
I love it ! (
T.C.Coleman Mode of Motivation Library Favorites Ted Tc Coleman on Facebook.
Strong - Motivational - Message
Ted selected this motivational song because it's a classic with a strong message "You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold, you gotta be wiser, you gotta be hard, you gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger.." When facing challenges that try to keep you from getting what you want, you've got to continually grow and become stronger in order to overcome them. As you knock down one obstacle, a bigger one will appear. So true in today's
That's how life is at times. It forces you to grow so that it can hand you even bigger obstacles for you to overcome. The bigger the obstacle, the stronger you become and the strong you become, the bigger the goals you can accomplish. Focus not on having less obstacles, but on becoming stronger and better...I even made my own son Chase watch this video....(TC)
That's how life is at times. It forces you to grow so that it can hand you even bigger obstacles for you to overcome. The bigger the obstacle, the stronger you become and the strong you become, the bigger the goals you can accomplish. Focus not on having less obstacles, but on becoming stronger and better...I even made my own son Chase watch this video....(TC)
You Gotta Be - Des'ree (lyrics)
You Gotta Be - Ted selected this motivational song because it's a classic with a strong message "You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold, you gotta be wiser, you gotta be hard, you gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger.." When facing challenges that try to keep you from getting what you want, you've got to continually grow and become stronger in order to overcome them. As you knock down one obstacle, a bigger one will appear. So true in today's
That's how life is at times. It forces you to grow so that it can hand you even bigger obstacles for you to overcome. The bigger the obstacle, the stronger you become and the strong you become, the bigger the goals you can accomplish. Focus not on having less obstacles, but on becoming stronger and better...I even made my own son Chase watch this video....(TC)
That's how life is at times. It forces you to grow so that it can hand you even bigger obstacles for you to overcome. The bigger the obstacle, the stronger you become and the strong you become, the bigger the goals you can accomplish. Focus not on having less obstacles, but on becoming stronger and better...I even made my own son Chase watch this video....(TC)
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May God Bless all of the brave men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces - past, present and future - who have given their time, their bodies, their inner peace, and especially those who have given their lives in service and dedication to preserving the freedoms we value so dearly.
May God also bless the extended family of friends and relatives of those who serve, because they too make sacrifices in their own lives that allow for our brave soldiers to protect and defend.
By T.C.Coleman