Whatever you wish there was more of ,
be that.
Whatever you want your relationships and friendships to be ,
be that.
Whatever you want the world to be ,
be that.
If you want there to be less fear and more love in the world,
start with yourself.
If you want ther to be less stress anxiety ,
depression and tension in the world,
start with yourself.
If you want the world to be a more peaceful place, fairer,
more generous and compassionate ,
start with yourself.

"Momentum" when you have it the WOW factor is present. When it's missing everything in life seems more difficult. Momentum is achieved when you have a moment in God that is all God and add to it movement that creates momentum. When this is achieved enjoy the ease of God like riding a wave. You will go places and fulfill dreams. Embrace today and have a moment and then...

This is the heartbeat of it all.
I started this blog exactly 1 year ago to motivate myself & recover from a failed marriage and little did I know that this would slowly and soon become my motivation to heal myself. Each day I wake up breathing and believing that God is up to something new in my life and in the lives of others. I don’t know how to describe it and I doubt I ever will. God slowly put this impetus inside of me to write, collect and spread the word of inspiration. It is by his power, his love, and his Spirit that I have been able to do the things that I do.
It's become my passion, my drive, my impulse. It’s my momentum to becoming a better person and to help others where I can.
I ask this once again. What is yours ??
What is God doing in your life right now ??
What’s Your Momentum ??


''You are not accidental. Existence needs you. Without you something will be missing in existence and nobody can replace it. Thats what gives you dignity, that the whole existence will miss you. The stars and sun and moon, the trees and birds and earth - everything in the universe will feel a small place is vacant which cannot be filled by anybody except you. This gives you a tremendous joy, a fulfillment that you are related to existence, and existence cares for you. Once you are clean and clear, you can see tremendous love falling on you from all dimensions.''

To change your life, begin by changing your thoughts.
It is useless to try to change your outer world unless you first change your inner world. If you attempt to make external changes before doing the necessary inner transformation, the outer world will just keep repeating the same pattern. The movie Groundhog Day illustrates a very entertaining lesson in how we keep re-creating the same situation over and over again until we change our mind. The moment our attitude shifts, so does the situation.
If you want or love something a great deal, you will attract it into your life. And if you fear or worry about something with emotional intensity, you will attract the object of your fear. The universal manifestation machine is unbiased in turning your thoughts into reality.
If you are not aware that your thoughts are powerful, you will spend a great deal of time thinking and talking about what you do not want, and you will receive more of the same, and on and on, until your life is a mess and you have no idea why. You will identity yourself as victim, find people who agree with you; and discover news stories, scientific studies, and all manner of evidence to prove that life is unfair and you are just a pimple on the complexion of the universe.
There is another way. You weren't born to live small, and you don't have to. You can shift your attitude now and begin to think about what you do want instead of what you don't want. Then, the universe will have no choice but to give you what you are concentrating on in your favor, instead of against it.
Worry is the power of creation turned against your own best interests. The same engine that runs your car in reverse will move it forward if you but reposition the gearshift. To shift from reverse to drive, reframe your experiences to find the blessing rather than the problem. Then you will become the master of your universe, rather than its victim.
What you become is not a result of what happens to you; it is a result of how you think about what happens to you.
Here is your antidote to worry: Choose a phrase that brings you release, relief, and empowerment, such as "Peace, be still," or "Love is the answer." Whenever worry begins to set in, consciously and meditatively repeat your positive phrase until you return to peace. The mind is capable of paying attention to only one thought at a time. If you focus on ideas that uplift you, your mind will be unable to dwell on fearful issues. Eventually you will develop the habit of positive thinking, and the worry that once haunted you will have no reality.
Today I set my mind and heart on a new path. I focus my energy on love, appreciation, and my highest possibilities. Today I claim responsibility for my own success, and step forward with a new enthusiasm to manifest unprecedented good. I use my mind to create only the best, and I draw unto me all the support and resources I need for positive change. Thank you, God, for opening the door to a life filled with blessings.
Relationships - of all kinds - are like sand held in your hand.
Held loosely with an open hand,
the sand remains where it is.

The minute you close your hand and squeeze tightly to hold on,
the sand trickles through your fingers.
You may hold on to some of it, but most will be spilled.

A relationship is like that.
Held loosely, with respect and freedom for the other person,
it is likely to remain intact. But hold too tightly, too possessively,
and the relationship slips away and is lost.
''Some of the biggest challenges in relationships come from the fact that most people enter a relationship in order to get something: they're trying to find someone who's going to make them feel good. In reality, the only way a relationship will last is if you see your relationship as a place that you go to give, and not a place that you go to take. '' -Anthony Robbins

''It is only when we no longer compulsively need someone that we can have a real relationship with them. '' -Anthony Storr

wedding ring finger

LIFE Motivation

A lack of life motivation can come down to not knowing what you want in life. It can also be that you don't really want anything out of life. However, this is rarely the real reason for not having motivation in life. It's hard to find out what you want for your life if you are currently in a wrong mindset. Let's say you're stressed out. Would it be a good time to ask you to put together a business plan? Probably not. So in order to find that motivation in your life to do things, you will first need to get yourself in the right state of mind. Keep in mind that if you have severe depression, then you will want to seek professional help.
The first thing you will need to do is to understand why you feel the way you feel. There are basically three factors that will determine how you feel at any given moment. The first thing is your physiology. If you are walking around like you're depressed, you're going to feel depressed. Your body posture can have a huge effect in the way you feel. The next thing is your focus. If you focus on how life sucks, it'll be hard to find any motivation to do anything with your life. The third thing is your standards. If you have a standard that says, "It's okay to be mediocre in life", then that is what you will experience.
So how does knowing these things have to do with finding motivation in life?? Well, as I mentioned earlier, the reason why you have a lack of motivation in life is because you don’t know what it is that you want. The reason why you don't know what you want is probably because you are in the state of, "I don't care". In order to give your life some meaning and give yourself some life motivation, you will need to have a purpose. In order to do this, you will first need to get out of your lousy mentality.
What you will want to do is to force yourself to get excited by changing your body movements. If you are currently moving slowly, have a slouched back, your head down, and are breathing shallow, change that by walking fasters, straightening you back, put your head up, and breath more fully. This will create a change in your physical chemistry and will start to instantly make you feel better.
The next thing you will want to do is to focus on the positive things. You can do this by asking yourself the right questions. So instead of, "Why does my life suck", you will want to ask, "What is good in my life right now? What can I be excited about my life right now if I really wanted to?" By asking empowering questions, your mind will start to focus on empowering things.
The last step to have more motivation for life is to change your standards. Up until now, you probably have pretty low standards for yourself. You don't really expect much out of your life and therefore have no motivation in life. The best way to get out of this rut is to start surrounding yourself with people who are full of life motivation. Since you become who you spend most of your time with, by hanging out with people who are alive, people who have a purpose and are going for their dreams and goals, you will start to pick up their way of thinking as well.
All of these things can change your life. If you want more information on the above steps, you can read books on Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP for short. You will learn different skills to help you instantly change the way you feel. It will help give you more life motivation so you can make the best out of this life.

Motivational Sayings

These motivational sayings will hopefully inspire and motivate you to have a stronger belief in your dreams and goals and to go for them with an undying commitment.
These motivation sayings can help you realize that you have what it takes to live the life you truly desire. All you have to do is go out there and claim it. Life is crazy short so you want to make the best out of it while you still can.
If you have any favorite motivational sayings about life or other topics of your own, you can add it down at the bottom. Enjoy!

Experience LIFE

Life is not all bad, just as it is not all good. Life is about experience. And often our greatest experience comes from our hardest lessons. But this does not mean we should not enjoy the pleasures of this world. For they exist to ease our journey. Neither does it mean we should dwell in morbidity because all good things will end.Instead let us recognize that life is a flow. It cannot stop, speed up, slow down or reverse. Things constantly move on. Because that is the journey. It is only by the leaving of one room that we can enter the next. And if we do not progress, we cannot grow. And if we do not grow we have no purpose. So we must accept, and make the best.Some people have a tendency to resist the flow. To try to stand still. And to feel resentful when they find that all around has moved on. But trying to keep the moment is like grasping a butterfly. As your fingers close around it the fragile beauty is destroyed forever. Better to enjoy it while it settles upon your hand, and to wish it well as it continues its journey as you continue yours.

Live for the moment. Enjoy it to the full.
And when it passes look back with pleasure,
and look forward with hope.

Get Ready For This - I chose this motivational song because it's a classic pump up song. This song is used at all sorts of sporting events to pump people up. It's one of the most well known pump up songs.

Remember the Name : Michael Jordan

Remember the Name - I chose this motivational song mainly for the beat and the chorus. "Ten percent luck, twenty percent skill, fifteen percent concentrated power and will..." Awesome. Many people think that success has to do with mainly talent and luck. That's just not the case at all. Sure, there are those we see on TV who may have been at the right place at the right time. If you look at the majority of successful people however, you will find that they got there out of sheer determination and focus. If you want to achieve your goals, don't go after it half-ass. You need to go after it with everything you got. When you do, you will understand just how much potential you have. Once you reach your goal, your eyes will be set on greater things. - T.C.Coleman

Born For Greatness

Born For Greatness - We were all born to do something great. When we were kids, the world was full of possibilities. Nothing seemed impossible. As we grew up however, we were faced with ridicule from peers and failure from trying. We forgot that by the time we were 5 years old, we have failed hundreds of times trying to learn to walk, ride a bike, and form sentences. We forgot that all things are possible if we just don't give up.
Don't forget this fact: You are here for a great purpose. Whatever that may be is something you must define for yourself. Since you found this message out of all the billions of webpages out there, then see it as a reminder of who you really are. You were meant to read this message in order to refocus and believe in your own personal power to create the life you want. - TC