This energy field is associated with the
experience designated by such terms as
transcendence, self realization and Godconsciousness.
It is extremely rare,
attained by only one in ten million
people. When this state is reached the
distinction between subject and object
disappears, and there is no specific focal
point of perception. Not uncommonly,
individuals at this level remove
themselves from the world, as the state of
bliss that ensues precludes ordinary
activity. Some become spiritual teachers;
others work anonymously for the
betterment of mankind. A few become
great geniuses in their respective fields
and make major contributions to society.
These people are saintly and may
eventually be designated officially as
saints, though at this level formal religion
is commonly transcended, to be replaced
by the pure spirituality out of which all
religion originates.
Perception at the level of 600 and above
is sometimes reported as occurring in
slow-motion, suspended in time and
space-though nothing is stationary; all is
alive and radiant. Although this world is
the same world seen by others, it has
become continuously flowing, evolving
in an exquisitely coordinated
evolutionary dance in which significance
and source are overwhelming. This
awesome revelation takes place nonrationally
so that there is an infinite
silence in the mind, which has stopped
conceptualizing. That which is
witnessing and that which is witnessed
take on the same identity; the observer
dissolves into the landscape and becomes
equally the observed. Everything is
connected to everything else by a
Presence whose power is infinite,
exquisitely gentle, yet rock-solid.
David R. Hwakins On Power Vs Force
experience designated by such terms as
transcendence, self realization and Godconsciousness.
It is extremely rare,
attained by only one in ten million
people. When this state is reached the
distinction between subject and object
disappears, and there is no specific focal
point of perception. Not uncommonly,
individuals at this level remove
themselves from the world, as the state of
bliss that ensues precludes ordinary
activity. Some become spiritual teachers;
others work anonymously for the
betterment of mankind. A few become
great geniuses in their respective fields
and make major contributions to society.
These people are saintly and may
eventually be designated officially as
saints, though at this level formal religion
is commonly transcended, to be replaced
by the pure spirituality out of which all
religion originates.
Perception at the level of 600 and above
is sometimes reported as occurring in
slow-motion, suspended in time and
space-though nothing is stationary; all is
alive and radiant. Although this world is
the same world seen by others, it has
become continuously flowing, evolving
in an exquisitely coordinated
evolutionary dance in which significance
and source are overwhelming. This
awesome revelation takes place nonrationally
so that there is an infinite
silence in the mind, which has stopped
conceptualizing. That which is
witnessing and that which is witnessed
take on the same identity; the observer
dissolves into the landscape and becomes
equally the observed. Everything is
connected to everything else by a
Presence whose power is infinite,
exquisitely gentle, yet rock-solid.
David R. Hwakins On Power Vs Force
A Doorway to Heaven
Finding the key to enter.
By David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.
Published: February 10, 2011

Thoughts guaranteed to awaken your soul.
Students of David R. Hawkins’s work have realized that the truths revealed there are ideally suited for spiritual aspirants of the Western world. The teachings are both in accord with the greatest mystics throughout history, and immensely practical in their application to daily life. Just one of these quotes or passages can transform a person’s life and catapult him or her ahead on the spiritual journey. As Hawkins says, “At some point, the illusion breaks down and the opening for the start of the spiritual quest commences. The quest turns from without to within, and the search for answers begins.” — Scott JefferyEach step along the way to enlightenment is exciting and rewarding when its essence is revealed. Taken out of context, any critical insight can seem baffling, yet intriguing. For each seeker, there are important key understandings that light the way and facilitate success. This is a collection of such truths that serve as fulcrums for major leaps forward.
Although there are many doorways to heaven,
each seeker must find his or her own route.
Comprehension at great depths unravels the essential truth of seeming complexity.
It is said that there are 10,000 ways to God,
yet they can all be reduced to certain critical elements
common to all successful pathways.
May each of the quotes here prove to be of great value on your journey:
To become more conscious is the greatest gift anyone can give to the world; moreover, in a ripple effect, the gift comes back to its source.
Spiritual development is not an accomplishment but a way of life. It is an orientation that brings its own rewards, and what is important is the direction of one’s motives.
What can you actually do to be helpful to the world? Make a gift of your life and lift all mankind by being kind, considerate, forgiving, and compassionate at all times, in all places, and under all conditions, with everyone as well as yourself. That is the greatest gift anyone can give.
Out of all-inclusive, unconditional compassion comes the healing of all mankind.
In a universe where “like goes to like” and “birds of a feather fly together,” we attract to us that which we emanate.
Every act or decision we make that supports life supports all life, including our own. The ripples we create return to us.
One basic principle has the power to resolve the problems of the social marketplace: Support the solution instead of attacking the supposed causes.
In truth, we exist and survive, not because of the ego, but in spite of it.
To best serve the world, seek enlightenment and transcend illusions rather than contribute to them.
To transcend the world requires compassion and acceptance, the result of inner humility, by which the world is surrendered to God with increased peace of mind.
What the ego cannot lift with all its might is like a feather to the grace of God.
To win in life means to give up the obsession of “who’s at fault.” Graciousness is far more powerful than belligerence. It is better to succeed than to win.
By its nature, the pathway to God is not easy. It requires considerable courage, fortitude, willingness, and forbearance. It is strengthened by humility and a benign conscience.
An extremely valuable insight that is learned by all spiritually evolved persons in the course of their development is seeing one’s own personal consciousness as the decisive influence that determines all that occurs in one’s life.
Holding a goal in mind is inspirational and actually helpful to its accomplishment, because what is held in mind tends to actualize. However, it is a mistake to attack oneself with guilt for failing to achieve the ideal. Upon examination, it will be frequently discovered that it was not really the goal that was desired, but the satisfaction that was associated with it.
It’s pleasing to discover that it isn’t necessary to drive oneself forward; instead, one can simply allow oneself to move forward as blocks are removed. Thus, one becomes attracted by the future rather than propelled by the past.
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