The hardest thing to do is to get started. In order to motivate yourself, think positive, be productive, accomplish, and get ahead, you have to GET STARTED! When we get started, we begin to focus. The more we focus & do, the more we accomplish, & the more we inspire & motivate "ourselves"! And, the busier we are, the less time we have to focus on negative or doubt. So make up your mind & get started on something positive or productive. Start doing, doing, doing, till you become focused, motivated, and on a roll! Start the engine and you'll enter the positive cycle of doing, accomplishing, & positive thinking.
Welcome to my Mode of Motivation. I'm here to give you a dose of well needed "Motivation" in life. Life is full of negative propaganda that can bring you down and keep you in a state of feeling like things are impossible. My Mode of Motivation is intended to help encourage, empower others for honest journeys of their own. Please enjoy T.C.Coleman collection of inspirational videos, photos, quotes and my empowering writing to help others overcome barriers in life.
The hardest thing to do is to get started. In order to motivate yourself, think positive, be productive, accomplish, and get ahead, you have to GET STARTED! When we get started, we begin to focus. The more we focus & do, the more we accomplish, & the more we inspire & motivate "ourselves"! And, the busier we are, the less time we have to focus on negative or doubt. So make up your mind & get started on something positive or productive. Start doing, doing, doing, till you become focused, motivated, and on a roll! Start the engine and you'll enter the positive cycle of doing, accomplishing, & positive thinking.
Doobie Brothers - Listen To The Music 1972
The idea of this song was that music would lift man up to a higher plane, and that world leaders, if they were able to sit down on some big grassy knoll where the sun was shining and hear music - such as the type I was playing - would figure out that everybody had more in common than they had not in common, and it was certainly not worth getting in such a bad state of affairs about. Everybody in the world would therefore benefit from this point of view. Just basically that music would make everything better.
Here’s to the crazy ones
“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify and vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as crazy, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”
We all pursue something…
Throughout the seasons of life, we churn through cycles of pursuit. Whether fame and power, peace and abundance, fun and pleasure, or healing and forgiveness, we actively seek something at every phase of existence.
Often, we enter dry periods, where paying the mortgage is more important than contemplating the meaning of being - where self-sufficiency is more focal than selfless reflection.
And then it happens…
At some point in life, we catch a glimpse of the miraculous… maybe the mysterious. We contemplate our earthly origin or we grapple with our eternal destiny.
It could be the birth of a child, the death of a loved one, or a devastating divorce.
It could be the vision of a starving child
digging through trash in a street-bound slum ****
digging through trash in a street-bound slum ****
It could be the vision of a heroic soldier saving a child
from the chaos of a street-side bomb ****
from the chaos of a street-side bomb ****
It could be a massive, star-filled sky…or a tiny hummingbird hovering nearby.
It may strike as a monumental epiphany, or it may sneak up as an inconsequential flash.
Regardless, it happens, and the deep questions of life return – if just for an instant. A passion to pursue ultimate purpose, meaning, and truth are re-ignited in our soul !!
Who am I, really ?
Why am I really here ?
Where will I really be in 10,000 years ?
And, most importantly, where does God fit into all of this ?
Who is God, really… and how do I really pursue Him ?
Throughout the seasons of history, all of humanity has faced this same cycle of perplexity. Whether great thinkers or everyday peasants, our ancestors have all confronted the mystery of God. Some meet God and immediately walk away. Some meet God and embrace Him eternally. Some go forward with pursuing a relationship, while others retreat from possible engagement.
Yes, we all pursue something…
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