By mid-January and by this time, approx. 75% of new year resolutions have been broken.
By February, over 90% will be broken.
So why is it so hard for people in general to stick with their resolutions?
The problem lies in the deferring of the resolution to a particular date, i.e. the first of the year.
Same goes with, “I’ll start Monday” or “at the end of the month, I am stopping this”.
When you are deferring whatever it is that you have to do to a date, it’s because you really do not want to do it (deep down within yourself) and you want to get rid of the responsibility of dealing with it until a later time. Then, when the time comes, you are not mentally ready to deal with it, so you default on your resolution very easily.
When you think about it, if you truly wanted to change,
you wouldn’t delay it until some date in the future.
You would change RIGHT NOW!
If you wanted to exercise and get your weight under control, why waste any more time being unhealthy? If you wanted to stop smoking for real, why continue to do so for a few extra days?
Why not right now?
The key is, how bad do you want to change?
True, long-lasting change does not occur in the future. It occurs in the current moment. Right now. This is the best (and if you think about it, the only) moment that exists to jump start any resolution you have been wanting to keep. No one has ever succeeded by relying to delays. Make the decision in the current moment to stick to your resolution from this very moment. Only then, will your chances to make those resolutions stick for the long haul skyrocket

Here’s a list of the most popular New Year’s Resolutions:
- Lost weight
- Get out of debt
- Save money
- Get a better job
- Exercise regularly
- Healthier nutrition
- Drink less alcohol
- Stop smoking
- Reduce stress
- Learn something new
- Help others
- Get organized
- Get out of debt
- Save money
- Get a better job
- Exercise regularly
- Healthier nutrition
- Drink less alcohol
- Stop smoking
- Reduce stress
- Learn something new
- Help others
- Get organized
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