"Momentum" when you have it the WOW factor is present. When it's missing everything in life seems more difficult. Momentum is achieved when you have a moment in God that is all God and add to it movement that creates momentum. When this is achieved enjoy the ease of God like riding a wave. You will go places and fulfill dreams. Embrace today and have a moment and then...

This is the heartbeat of it all.
I started this blog exactly 1 year ago to motivate myself & recover from a failed marriage and little did I know that this would slowly and soon become my motivation to heal myself. Each day I wake up breathing and believing that God is up to something new in my life and in the lives of others. I don’t know how to describe it and I doubt I ever will. God slowly put this impetus inside of me to write, collect and spread the word of inspiration. It is by his power, his love, and his Spirit that I have been able to do the things that I do.
It's become my passion, my drive, my impulse. It’s my momentum to becoming a better person and to help others where I can.
I ask this once again. What is yours ??
What is God doing in your life right now ??
What’s Your Momentum ??